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Maitland Campus

Living Hope Maitland Campus

Living Hope Churches of Christ Maitland Campus is located in the commercial heart of Maitland

Directly across from Greenhills shopping centre, is a welcoming and active Christian community that is saving a place for you.

Join a life giving Sunday Service at 9:30AM with contemporary music, Bible based messages that are relevant for your life, and a family atmosphere.

What to expect on Sunday

Our life giving Sunday Service starts at 9:30AM and you are welcome to join us early and have a chat with people, or sneek in a bit later, we won't judge 🙂

What happens during the service

Each week you can expect a to be led in worship by our music team, be invited to participate in Communion where we reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, receive a Bible based message that is relevant to your life.

What happens with kids?

We encourage families to stick together as much as possible so kids stay in the service until just before the message. During the message they are loved and cared for by our kids team who instil the life of faith in an age appropriate way.

What happens after the service?

There is an open invitation for you to spend time with our pastor and team to be listened to and be prayed for. As well as a listening ear you can grab some barista made coffee and tea and a chat with others.

Contact Us

02 4934 3935

1 Garnett Road, East Maitland

Contact Us

02 4934 3935

1 Garnett Road, East Maitland

Contact Us