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Entrusted Women

Welcome to Entrusted Women, the vibrant women’s ministry of our church dedicated to empowering and equipping women to love and care for each other. Through a variety of activities and events, we strive to create a supportive community where women can grow in faith, foster deep relationships, and make a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

Our Mission: At Entrusted Women, we believe that every woman has been entrusted by God with unique gifts and a calling to love and care for those around her. Our mission is to support and equip women to fulfill this calling through fellowship, learning, and service.

What We Do:

  • Morning Teas: Join us for our regular morning teas, a time for women to connect, share, and encourage one another in a relaxed and welcoming environment. Enjoy delicious treats, inspiring conversations, and the warmth of community.
  • Conferences: Our conferences are designed to inspire and equip women with practical tools and spiritual insights. Featuring dynamic speakers, engaging workshops, and opportunities for worship and prayer, these events are a highlight of our ministry.
  • Fundraising for Domestic Violence Support: Entrusted Women is committed to supporting local domestic violence organizations. Through various fundraising initiatives, we aim to provide much-needed resources and support to those affected by domestic violence, helping to create a safer and more supportive community for everyone.

Our Focus:

  • Equipping Women: We offer a range of resources and opportunities to help women grow in their faith and personal development including regular Bible studies.
  • Community and Care: Building strong, supportive relationships is at the heart of Entrusted Women. Our events and activities are designed to foster deep connections and provide a network of care and encouragement.
  • Service and Impact: We are passionate about making a positive impact in our local community. By supporting domestic violence organizations and other causes, we strive to be a source of hope and help to those in need.

Join Us: Entrusted Women is open to all women who seek to grow in their faith, connect with others, and make a difference in their community. Whether you’re looking for fellowship, spiritual growth, or a way to give back, you’ll find a place here.

Upcoming Events: Stay tuned for details about our upcoming morning teas, conferences, and fundraising events. We would love for you to join us and be a part of the amazing things God is doing through Entrusted Women.

Testimonials: “Entrusted Women has been a blessing in my life. The friendships I’ve made and the support I’ve received have been incredible. The conferences are always uplifting and provide practical insights that I can apply in my daily life.” – Lisa

“Being a part of Entrusted Women has given me the opportunity to serve and support others in meaningful ways. The focus on equipping women to care for each other is truly inspiring.” – Karen

Contact Us: For more information about Entrusted Women, our events, or how you can get involved, please fill out the contact form on this page. We look forward to welcoming you and journeying together in faith and service.